The 1st Brazilian Workshop on Fungal Species Assessment for the IUCN Global Red List
The MIND.Funga team in partnership with members of the IUCN Commission for the Survival of Fungal Species is promoting the 1st Brazilian Fungal Species Assessment Workshop for the IUCN Global Red List. The event will take place in three online meetings in September and October:
- 1st meeting: the group will discuss the application of the IUCN criteria for assessing the conservation status of species through theoretical and practical activities;
- 2nd meeting: Workshop guests will bring assessment information of 2 or 3 species already in the proposal format to be on the IUCN red list. The proposals will be discussed and improved with the support of the professors;
- 3rd meeting: each participant will present new assessment information together with the species already discussed in the second meeting. The proposals will be evaluated by a certified IUCN evaluator, and each participant will have about 10 proposed species and evaluated in the first stage of the preposition.
We invited 17 mycologists and lichenologists (mostly Brazilians) to participate in this important initiative for the conservation biology and recognition of Funga.
The main idea of the event is to engage Brazilian mycology/lichenology specialists in the extremely important topic of conservation. In this way, we hope that those involved are trained throughout the process and continue to propose species for the global list. We need, as Brazilian mycology, to generate a wave of collaborations and that is why we have as supporting partners, the Species Survival Commission International Union for Conservation of Nature (SSC IUCN), MIND.Funga/MICOLAB/UFSC, the Brazilian Society of Mycology (SBMic), the Center for Specialists in Mycology of the Botanical Society of Brazil (NEMic from SBB) and the INCT Virtual Herbarium of Flora and Funga.