1st Symposium of Fungal Diversity and Conservation in Cloud Forests (Brazil, 2021)
O 1st Symposium of Fungal Diversity and Conservation in Cloud Forests occurred online on March 24 and 25, 2021. The event was organized by the Laboratory of Molecular and Computational Biology of Fungi (LBMCF) of the Federal University of Minas Gerais and by the MIND.Funga group (MICOLAB) of the Federal University of Santa Catarina. The main objective was to demonstrate to the attendees the importance of studying Cloud Forest Funga, an environment with a megadiverse ecosystem, with high endemism and strongly threatened. Free broadcast in the MIND.Funga Youtube channel , the symposium was attended by speakers from 16 countries, more than 1,000 subscribers distributed across 32 countries and 17 presentations of studies in video-posters. To watch the event and find out more information, visit the official website and the symposium Instagram.