What Funga means
Funga was proposed (by Kuhar et al. 2018) as a valid term for diversity of fungal communities. Funga could be used for descriptive, systematic treatments of the fungi of a particular area, being equivalent and parallels those for animals and plants, Fauna and Flora. Therefore, the Fauna, Flora & Funga proposal (FF&F) is a natural requirement for public policies, as educational, political and conservation purposes. Plural nominative forms of Funga must be Fungae, as it has been used in the plurals for Florae or Faunae.
On the right is a reproduction of the first illustration of an deity related to the fungi, found on the title page of Schaeffer’s 1774 work on the mushrooms of Bavaria and the Palatinate (Germany regions). This illustration depicts the goddess Diana (Latin equivalent of Artemis), associated by the Ephesian to herbs, fertility, and breeding.