Parmotrema bifidum

Parmotrema bifidum. Photo: A. A. Spielmann

PArmotrema bifidum is a saxicolous liquen species that is found growing on rocks in shadow areas within Chapada dos Guimarães highlands, Mato Grosso state. The species has registers only for its type locality, being collected for the first time in 1984 and described just in 2020. The species is considered rare, as its type locality has adequate sampling effort and no new registers were made so far. It is expected that it is endemic to Chapada dos Guimarães highlands. Considering the absence of new records within a large time period, it is presumed that the species population in its type locality was extirpated, or that its occurrence is largely reduced. Pbifidum is threatened mainly by habitat loss caused by agriculture and fire. Based on known and estimated population parameters, as well as the threats to the species, it is considered Critically Endangered based on IUCN criteria B1ab(iii)+2ab(iii) and D.


P. bifidum distribution map.


Spielmann, A., Costa-Rezende, D.H., Drechsler-Santos, E.R., Gumboski, E.L. & Kossmann, T. 2022. Parmotrema bifidumThe IUCN Red List of Threatened Species 2022: e.T209742938A210566572. Accessed on 03 August 2022.