Mycena lacrimans

Mycena lacrimans. Photo: Desjardin, Dennis & Braga-Neto, Ricardo. (2007). Mycena lacrimans, a rare species from Amazonia, is bioluminescent. Edinburgh Journal of Botany. 64. 275 – 281. 10.1017/S0960428607004763.


Mycena lacrimans is a bioluminescent species, found growing on leaves and small branches near water bodies. It occurs solitary or scattered. The species is considered rare, with just three occurrences in two localities in the Brazilian Amazon. It was found again 16 years after its description, in an area near the type locality. The species may be subsampled, and it is probably distributed throughout the Amazon region. Mlacrimans is threatened by agriculture, illegal logging, mining, and urbanization. Despite these threats, due to lack of data, Mlacrimans is considered Data Deficient based on the IUCN criteria.




Mlacrimans distribution map.
