Picipes rhizophilus

Picipes rhizophilus. Photo: L. Krisai-Greilhuber.

Picipes rhizophilus is a polypore species that grows in association with rhizomes of several grass species, in sandy and dry grassland soils. Its relationship with its hosts is not clear, being considered in some cases a parasite species, a mycorrhizal species, or a saprobiont species. The species has occurrences in continental Eurosiberia (Russia, Ukraine, and Kazakhstan), in the Mediterranean region (Algeria, Morrocos and Tunisia), and in coastal dune areas. Theres just one occurrence of the species for Brazil. Prhizophilus its threatened by habitat loss and degradation. The species population is fragmented in several very small population, with a observed decline in its population numbers. Thus, Prhizophilus is considered Vulnerable based on the IUCN assessment criteria.

P. rhizophilus distribution map. https://www.iucnredlist.org/species/147440473/148038829
